Supports both entrepreneurs and individuals in their settlement obligations with public institutions, such as Tax Offices, Social Insurance Institution or Central Statistical Office.
Doradca podatkowy nr wpisu 14477
I am a tax advisor and accountant. Over 25 years of professional experience includes keeping books of capital companies, partnership and business activities.
Cooperation with me is based on partnership and mutual trust, because only in this way can I understand and suggest optimal solutions for your business.
My knowledge, especially with constantly changing tax regulations, will allow you to avoid decisions that may have a negative impact on your finances.
Find out what services I provide, both stationary and online.
I invite you to make an appointment
"Count on yourself, but entrust the accounting to us!"
In the case of providing accounting services, reliability, meticulousness and inquisitiveness are the most important.
Before I decided to open an accounting office, I worked in accounting for 14 years.
Ensure peace of mind in the form of reliable books, timely settlements with the tax office and the Social Insurance Institution by cooperating with me.
Check how I can help as a certified accountant.
"Prevention is better than cure"
A tax advisor will help you find yourself in the maze of complex and changeable tax regulations.
It is also the security of finances and the development of any activity, not only economic. Decisions made in private life often have consequences in settlements with the tax office.
Professional assistance of a tax advisor can protect you from problems with tax administration authorities.
Check how I can help as a tax advisor.
Joining forces is the beginning
staying together is progress
working together is success.
- Henry Ford
Each office client receives access to the Saldeosmart program. It is a platform for communication between the accounting office and its clients with online access to information on accounting settlements, an invoicing program and an electronic archive with client documents.
Write to us, we will contact you as soon as possible
Stanisława Lema 8/6, 80-126 Gdańsk
796 609 755
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Doradca podatkowy nr wpisu 14477
S.Lema 8/6, 80-126 Gdańsk
796 609 755
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